Letters to the Editor
Three Hearty Cheers for
Charles Smolover
Charles Smolover's masterful debunking of the
Republican Jewish Coalition campaign of distortions, innuendos, and outright lies, stands with
those of Frank Rich, both in its careful
documentation, and in its forthright use of facts.
-- Ben Burrows, Elkins Park, PA
Republic Jewish Coalition sells out Jewish Community
I am not angry at the Republican Jewish Coalition. because of their attacks on Senator Obama. I am angry at them for their attacks on their fellow Jews who are Democrats.The RJC tells us that we are incapable of making an intelligent decision or that we are blinded by the allegiance our grandparents had to the Democratic party of Roosevelt. They tell us that we are so concerned about social justice that we would sell out Israel to further our ends as 'loyal democrats'.
This is hateful. I hoped that no Jew would be willing to split our community with such a disgraceful charge. When you put Republican party loyalty above your community you separate yourself from the community. I would find it uncomfortable to be thrown into a social situation with a member of this group because it is difficult to be at ease with someone who has demeaned you solely for their political ends. Even worse,it is difficult to be at peace with those who would attack the soul of the Jewish community to further the aims of their political party.
-- David Perelman Lafayette Hill, PA
Abolish the Death Penalty Conference in Harrisburg
Training for the Long Run, The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty's upcoming annual conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania from January 22 to January 25, 2009, is convening at a critical time for the abolition movement. The death penalty is in decline as evidenced by the fact that fewer death sentences are sought and obtained; there are fewer executions; and public support and confidence is waning. High profile cases which raise serious questions about innocence, government misconduct or unfairness have further undermined the public's belief in the integrity of the system.
Although the death penalty has less support than it did 32 years ago, it is still entrenched in Pennsylvania. The
Jewish Social Policy Action Network is a proud member of The Pennsylvania Moratorium Coalition, which advocates for a suspension on executions while a thorough study is conducted and attending this conference is a perfect opportunity to get involved!
This year's conference theme, Training for the Long Run, underscores the fact that while we who believe in moratorium have "gone the distance" and had great successes in our efforts to end the death penalty state by state, we still have some miles left before reaching the finish line.
-- Ashlee Shelton, Harrisburg, PA
The Philadelphia Jewish Voice welcomes the
of articles and letters to the editor
letters @ pjvoice.com. Please include name, address
and phone number for identification purposes. We cannot publish every submission
we receive. We also reserve the right to edit submissions for length, clarity,
grammar, accuracy, and style, though we will never intentionally distort the
author's intent.
Acting Editor-in-chief Daniel Loeb publisher @ pjvoice.com.
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