Three Local Libraries Receive Jewish Literature Grants
*Let's talk about it... in Hebrew!
-- Bruce Ticker
Three local libraries have received grants for ?Let's Talk About
It: Jewish Literature? programs from the Public Programs
Office of the American Library Association and Nextbook, according
to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.
The libraries work with Federation's Chester County and Delaware
County regions and are among 60 public and academic libraries
throughout the United States. The recipients are the Langston Hughes
Memorial Library at Lincoln University; Phoenixville Public Library
and Swarthmore Public Library.
The programs feature scholar-led, theme-based discussions that
explore the best contemporary and classic Jewish literature. Each
participating library hosts a five-part discussion series.
Phoenixville and Swarthmore will discuss ?Demons, Golems and
Dybbuks: Monsters of the Jewish Imagination? and Langston will
discuss ?Between Two Worlds: Stories of Estrangement and
Discussion programs will be led by local scholars on Sunday
afternoons beginning in September. The programs are free, but space
is limited and pre-registration is required. For more information,
contact Shelley Rappaport, director, Chester County and Delaware
County Regions of Federation at 610 578-9000 or
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