Letters to the Editor
88 Senators And The EU
What amazes me about the subject of the European Union's
indifference regarding Hezbollah is that it is not publicly recognized
for what it really is. It is not denial of Hezbollah's terrorist activities. It
is another facet of the anti-Semitism that is and has been epidemic in
Europe for centuries.
It is their de facto support for the enemies of Israel. It is
this virus that gives Kofi Annan the courage to publicly announce that the
United Nations forces in Lebanon will not "forcibly" disarm Hezbollah. As if there
is another way to do so. It is That statement by the UN Secretary General is tantamount to a declaration that the UN Forces in Lebanon
will turn a blind eye toward Hezbollah and Hezbollah's willing, and not so silent partner, the government of Lebanon.
Letters from 88 US Senators and 200 Congressmen to the
European Union on this issue will be disregarded in their entirety because of another
seriously disturbing matter. Namely, the already tremendous Muslim populations in various European countries that are openly supporting terror and becoming politically active. France, Germany, Britain and Italy are hosts to millions of
anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli muslim immigrants who are vocal and even violent.
Sadly, it appears that the US has few allies in it's support of Israel.
-- Ted
Chasanoff, King of Prussia,
Let My People Know
At a time when so many people are so concerned as to what exactly
transpired in Israel this summer, the 'Let My People Know' Speakers
Bureau has formed an independent, 'Israel War Information Bureau,' to
address the post-mortem discussions of the Hizbollah war and the ongoing conflict with Hamas.
Israel's battle is not only fought with missiles, but also with information. It is
crucial in these times to provide your community with experts from Israel who can
objectively present the facts. For more details about speakers who can
provide precise, detailed and informative analysis of the current
crisis, please contact us.
-- Diana Dubrow, Jerusalem, Israel
American Anti-Semitism Also To Blame
Regarding the article Hiram Bingham Honored, I
do not share your opinion of Varian Fry, who carefully selected the somehow famous or useful people-to-save among among the hundreds of Jews
lining up in front of his gate.
You wrote "The USA was then neutral and, not wishing to annoy Marshal Petain's puppet Vichy regime, President Roosevelt's government ordered its representatives in Marseilles not to grant visas to any Jews." Roosevelt's attitude
was not due to to America's "neutrality." His policy derived from the isolationist, anti-immigration and anti-Semitic fervor which swept your country during the Great Depression and the 1930's. This was not related
to the presence of the Vichy regime, and one can see that the anti-Jewish measures to continued to be in use even in "liberated" Algeria 1942--1943.
During the United Nations discussion on the partition of Palestine (Nov 1947), Arab delegates were right to reproach the United States attitude, which required them to welcome hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees as a moral WWII reparation, while the United States could
have — but refused — to welcome the refugees.
-- Dr. Claude Wainstain, St. Mandé, France
Rally for Israel or Rally for Weldon?
Rep. Curt Weldon spoke at the Rally for Israel at Love Park near Philadelphia City Hall, and his words of support were a bit over the edge in terms of incitement. Designed to win partisan support for his re-election campaign, which is in trouble, his
jingoistic jargon served to simplify the conflict rather than give intelligent analysis of the current situation, something someone in his position in Congress might be able to do. Rousing the crowd did little to show the larger television audience (plenty of
TV stations present) that supporters of Israel in her time of need understand little except our own interpretation of events. Next time, Curt should just write a check to Magen
David Adom and park his inciteful rhetoric at home. After all, when the dust settles, and the graves are covered over, Israel still has a border to deal with. It used to be called The Good Fence
— maybe it will once again someday. And when Israelis in the north once again live in peace across from the Lebanese, Weldon will be retired to his Delaware County home.
-- David Broida, Haverford, PA
Where Would Israel Be Without Bush?
There are several things that disappoint me about the Bush administration's
six years in the White House. First, they have allowed the Congress to spend
too much. Second, the stance on pro-life is 180 degrees opposite to mine.
Bush's public relations with this country are bad. There is stem cell research
that I don't agree with. There are others. But, regardless of your response
to Kerry's positions with Israel (which change as the wind blows), no one
including Reagan and Nixon have been as loyal to the Israeli cause. This is
authored by AIPAC and the Israeli press. He has stood by them without
worrying about public opinion and the polls. Israel is the most important
issue that faces us as Jews and we should all be appreciative to him for his
stance. If Israel goes under all of us will be in trouble.
The problem with the Democrats is that they are so busy looking to criticize
him on whatever he does rather than working with him to make our position in
the world stronger. We are thought of as a divided country with no
real strength to take the terrorist parties to task. They must be eliminated
including Iran, no matter what it requires us to do. What I fear is that
Bush, being constantly badgered by the left will not do what is necessary to
stop Iran from developing the bomb. The whole country must be united on this
issue. Unfortunately, the left is willing to sacrifice our position for
their own individual gain.
-- Robert Ford, Bryn Mawr, PA
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