Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Esq., was a litigator in a major Philadelphia law firm before teaching in area law and graduate schools on various topics, including First Amendment Law and Law and Social Policy. Marcus is a member of the Israel Advocacy Task Force of the Greater Philadelphia Federation, of the Israel Campus Initiative, and of the Israel Campus Coalition, and is on the Board of the Philadelphia Hillel. Ms. Marcus writes about Middle East policy and has been published in various local, national and international media. Ms. Marcus earned a J.D. from Harvard University, a Masters in Law and Social Policy and Masters in Policy and Program Development from Bryn Mawr, and a B.A. in American Studies from Brandeis University.
She can be contacted at marcus @ pjvoice.com
March 2009: Honoring slain Torah students through Torah study
March 2009: Post-Election: Chazan dismayed but not defeated
February 2009: Barack Obama embraces Middle East roadmap of the Israel Policy Forum
October 2008: A Moderate Muslim in Danger of Extinction
December 2006: Nations United by Alex Grobman
August 2006: Live From Israel
June 2006: Deafening Silence
March 2006: Shame on the West
December 2005: Through Arab Eyes
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