Voices Stilled and New
Editorial by Adena Potok
Since the last issue of PJVoice the sounds of some voices have been stilled, while others have ascended to the podium, and we feel that there have not been sufficient rehearsals. True though that may be, we have to pick up the phrase and learn new harmonies.
Arik Sharon lies in a coma in Jerusalem, Andrea Bronfman was fatally run over in New York City, and Wendy Wasserstein died of cancer in her mid-fifties; scores of young people lose limb and life in Iraq, and we celebrate the births of new babes as we bury our dead. When has it been different?
Often those in power try to intimidate those who are not. Those who aspire to power pick at the worst attributes of those who are there entrenched. Often that is a reciprocal exercise. These behaviors are also familiar to anyone who has been there, or even ?just? reads the papers or otherwise keeps abreast of events in the world, writ small or large. Congress, State Legislatures, City or Town Councils comprise
--- in the tradition of the Roman Senate --- halls of debate, often vehement and rancorous. They are the theatre of society. Except, in theatre we have the opportunity to leave after the play is done. In life we're in it for the long haul.
What is radically jarring in the current world sound is the cacophony wrought by the ascent of Hamas to the position of power among the Palestinian populace.
Registering a protest vote against the corruption in the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority the electorate voted in a party infamous for
their reliance on terror to make their philosophical points, and adamant in their refusal to recognize not only Israel's right to exist,
but her existence in fact. Did too many voices sound a disturbing contrapuntal theme while their overriding aim was to get the maestros and section
leaders to shape up?
The raucous notes sounded by celebratory gunshots and parades of joyous --- they won --- victory casts a pall.
Will the reality of governing transform the hyena to a lion king? And how will he live with the lion king from the neighboring veldt? Perhaps we are on the cusp of a new harmonics blending themes in a way not known yet. The psalms were also once new.
Comments should be sent to our
editor-in-chief Adena Potok at editor @ pjvoice.com.