Reform Jews Begin Moving Towards Opposing WarMany Jews opposed to the Iraq invasion have been surprised to find that there has been no official stand taken by any of Judaism’s major movements. The following excerpt from the Shalom Center’s website provides an update on the beginnings of a unified voice in the Reform movement against the war. The last Shalom Report reported that a congregation in New Jersey – M'kor
Shalom – had decided to [make a motion] at the Reform biennial convention in
mid-November to get the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) to speak out against the
war. We invited other congregations to write us to connect. A dozen did. We
have now put M'kor Shalom in touch with them. Of course there is a lot yet to do. Though the "whereases" of the
M'kor Shalom proposal are strong, the directive part is very gentle – leaving
all key decisions to the URJ steering committee. Now it is up to all reform congregations and members to keep up the momentum going toward a strong end-the-war stance. See September 2005 Networking Central for more information on the Shalom Center. |